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✔️ GS14 3,75G und professionelles UHF
✔️ CS20 3.75G Feldcontroller
✔️ Leica Captivate messen und abstecken CS20
✔️ Leica Captivate – Referenzlinie für CS20
✔️ GAD108 UHF/GSM Antennenarm f. Blutzuckersensor
✔️ GAT1, Antena Gainflex UHF 400–435 MHz
✔️ GEB334 Interner Akku Li-Ion 10,8 V/3450 mAh
✔️ GEB212 Interner Akku Li-Ion 2600 mAh
✔️ GHT63 Pfostenklemme zur Befestigung von GHT
✔️ CS206 Controller-Trägerplatte
✔️ GVP743 GNSS Rover Transportkoffer
✔️ GKL311 Einzelladegerät Prof 3000
✔️ EU-2-poliges AC-Netzkabel zum Ladegerät
✔️ 6 Monate GNSS-Qualitätsgarantie
✔️ Blaues GNSS-Zertifikat
Polyethylene film is a plastic film made from polyethylene, a hydrocarbon that is mainly obtained from natural gas or petroleum. The terms plastic sheeting, polyethylene sheet, poly sheeting, or poly film are often used as synonyms for polyethylene film. The term polyethylene is abbreviated as PE.
With the aim of creating the best products for consumers. We have invested a lot of modern equipment to test the mechanical and physical properties of the Milk-white PE film, ensuring that the output quality of the product is always within the controlled standard.